
Balanced Meals with Josie Edmiston

The FitLife Formula Podcast


I wish I could tell you there was a specific diet that everyone could follow for optimum health and nutrition. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. 

There are as many "perfect diets" as there are books on the topic. Every person on the planet has a way of eating that suits them best. Some do well on the Paleo Diet, some Keto, South Beach, Mediterranean diet, vegetarianism, intermittent fasting, low fat, etc. etc.  No matter how you slice it, those diets just aren't going to be optimal for everyone. 

There is one claim that can be universally helpful though. It's not as sexy as a fad diet, so few people believe eating well can possibly be this easy. 

One of the best ways to maintain your health is to eat balanced meals. No carb-free extremism needed. Forget about low fat, and don't worry about eating 100 grams of protein with every meal. Just eat a meal that's appropriately sized and is well balanced with protein, fat, carbs and veggies, and you'll be living your best life for a long time. 

On episode 47 of the FitLife Formula podcast, Advantage coach Josie Edmiston joins me to share her presentation to our members about why balanced meals are the way to go. In this (longer than usual) episode, you'll learn

  • why low carb diets don't work
  • how much protein you really need
  • why restrictive diets don't work
  • one simple way to make sure you're eating proper portion sizes
  • why many of the snacks you already enjoy are balanced (and you know the ones that are NOT)

Get ready for a great episode with Advantage Strength coach, Josie Edmiston.

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