
Get Naked, Stay Healthy

The FitLife Formula Podcast


This episode will knock your socks off.

Or at least make you think twice about wearing them all the time.

On episode 15 of the FitLife Formula, I share some ideas from Katy Bowman's book, Move Your DNA. 

 There are a ton of really interesting arguments in this book, but one thing that really stuck out to me is the idea that the mechanical forces of movement and your environment not only shape your body, but also determine how your genes express themselves. 

When you think of it in this light, you start to think differently about your apparel and how you might be canceling out the forces that help you maintain optimal health.

Guys, this episode might make you rethink your tighty whiteys.

Ladies, I'll share how your bra might be selling you short. 

And all you shoe lovers out there, you might begin to think differently about your super supportive runners. 

Hope you enjoy Episode 15 of the FitLife Formula Podcast!

Get Naked, Stay Healthy. 

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