
It’s Different in My Country with Jacinta DeAlmeida

The FitLife Formula Podcast


This wasn't in the plan for today, but an impromptu conversation with Jacinta lead to a discussion about the difference between what South Africans do and what American adults do. 

When you look at the numbers, we as fitness pros are failing in our mission to help people lose weight and get healthy. Across the board, the health of our nation is deteriorating while the size of our citizens is increasing. There are obviously hundreds of forces at play here, but it's undeniable that other countries are doing something better than us. 

Jacinta, as a South African, knows what things are like in a more active culture. Today I sat down with her to talk about 

  • the difference between the US and South Africa in regards to daily routine
  • maybe it's about the diet? What is it about the SA diet?
  • how an abundance of choices might be making us unhealthy
  • South African "big rocks" and how fitness plays into everyday life
  • the "moving mindset," focusing on moving every day
  • why American's don't like to spend money on themselves

Hope you like this non-scientific, but interesting chat about how different things are in SA. 

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